Again, but Better?

Sometimes in life you meet someone who will change yours. Most of the time you don’t even realise it till they’re gone. The sad part is, because they're gone you can’t thank them and they don’t know what difference they've made.

When someone leaves, you tend to just focus on that. It’s important to realise the good they brought into you life. The only way to move on is to understand that you don’t need them anymore. They did their part and they are allowing you to move on to someone better.

Sometimes it ends bad and sometimes you’re one of the lucky ones; where it ends on good terms and they’ll probably be there for the rest of your life.

It’s also important to remember that you changed their life. So be happy it happened, be happy you had the opportunity to love. Don’t be sad it’s over because is it really over or is it just a chance to do it again but better?

Words by Nicole Sim.

Photo by Filipe Almeida on

Photo by Filipe Almeida on


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