
This issue of Culture 360 focuses on Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership’s Care Experienced Open Day, held in November 2021. This annual event is a celebration of care experienced young people and the services that support them. It’s a chance to meet old friends and make new ones, and to find out about all sorts of support available – from college courses to arts opportunities.

During the day, young people got up on stage to share their passions and talents: musical acts, drama performances, poetry, and speeches that came straight from the heart. That’s why we’ve called this issue ‘Unscripted’. Just like no two care journeys are the same, no two performances were the same, and here we celebrate those differences. There were triumphs, hiccups , goosebumps and tears. There was life, and it was brilliant.

The day was produced by the team at Continuing and Aftercare Services. Thank you to everyone who presented on stage, hosted a stall, and attended throughout the day. Special mentions go to Clare Macaulay, without whom the event would not take place, and to Noel Bridgeman of Bridgeman Arts, who helped coordinate all the technical parts.


‘Nothing is perfect all the time’